
we are made for relationships

“We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the Gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).
Paul’s very personal words above point to the importance of both truth and relationships. We find ourselves lost without truth and alone without relationships. Since truth + relationships = impact, we are passionate about WORSHIPPING together, CONNECTING with one another, SERVING/GIVING to support Jesus' mission, and MULTIPLYING through a reproducible discipleship pathway.

A disciple is:

1) Someone who FOLLOWS Jesus...
2) Is BEING CHANGED by Jesus, and...
3) Is LIVING ON MISSION with Jesus 
Trinity Bible Church Discipleship Pathway Graphic

we are passionate about

small groups

The best celebrations happen in groups. There’s something about laughing, sharing stories or a meal, serving and praying, and diving into God’s Word as His family. We see again and again how we are incomplete without each other and how we are better in community.

We offer over 20 Small Groups that meet at various times throughout the week, and our trained Small Group leaders utilize a specific set of guidelines  to help create a place where people feel comfortable opening up and sharing with one another.
People having open bibles
Two Men Conversing

we are passionate about

1:1 discipleship

Any coach, teacher, mentor or trainer will tell you, there is a unique power and life transformation that happens when you connect 1 to 1. In discipleship, when we are face to face, heart to heart, and life on life, we become more like Christ, together! While Biblical truths should always begin with the Bible, we recommend a discipleship tool called Small Circle. This curriculum was created for deep study and relationship, as well as reproducibility.  

we are passionate about


We believe that God has designed us for relationship, and one of the ways we can share life together is through shared interests. We have a handful of unofficial “clubs” that meet regularly, and anyone is welcome, whether you are a longtime attendee of Trinity, are newer to Trinity, or just someone from the Cedar Valley who enjoys community! 
Men playing football

What's next?

Take a next steps class

We encourage anyone who is interested in calling Trinity their "home" to attend a Next Steps Class. This class will  help you understand how to take the next step in following Jesus as a united body of believers and also learn more about Trinity's mission, vision, and beliefs.   


Experience authentic community and spiritual growth. Join a Small Group or consider entering a 1:1 Discipleship relationship with someone. 


Explore opportunities to serve at Trinity, in the community, or around the world. 


Express gratitude for what God has done by giving financially to the work of God's Kingdom. Support Trinity ministries, mission partners and staff. 


Take the next step and invest in a 1:1 Discipleship or lead a Small Group


for more information, connect with ONE OF OUR OUR DISCIPLESHIP pastorS

Steve Bailey Discipleship Pastor
Josh Coulson Discipleship Pastor

Steve Bailey


Josh Coulson