serve GLOBALLy

impacting our world

Out of a passionate desire to carry out Jesus' mission to makes disciples, bring testimony to, and pray for and serve "all nations" (Matthew 24, Matthew 28, Mark 11, Mark 13), Trinity intentionally commits funds, prayer, and laborers to the field, in partnership with faith organizations, missions and missionaries. Trinity provides financial, emotional, and spiritual support for 33 missionaries / families in 10 countries (on 5 continents), 27 of whom have been sent out from this congregation!  And we're always asking who God wants to send out next. In addition, short-term missions trips enable people to serve in the field, as opportunities appear.
Our annual Missions Conference each fall brings a focus back to God's Kingdom work around the world. We dig into how the Bible reveals God's heart for the nations, host workshops and special events, and facilitate extra interaction with our missionaries.
Get involved with what God's doing in the nations!  Go on a short-term mission trip. Provide encouragement and soul care for missionaries. Support missions financially. Host a missionary when they are in the area.  Find creative ways to use your God-given gifts to serve His purposes around the world!
Josh Coulson Discipleship Pastor


for more information, contact our Discipleship Pastor Josh!