A foundation in christ starts here.
We’re dedicated to partnering with parents to lead your child(ren) to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Through our Sunday Kids Ministry, TreeHouse Kids, and our mid-week programming, Awana, we offer age-specific lessons and activities for kids ages birth - 5th grade. We strive to teach your kids biblical truths in a Safe, Fun, Relational, and Gospel-centered environment!

Our Vision
Our Sunday morning Kids Ministry, TreeHouse Kids, partners with parents and volunteers to help kids become disciples who make disciples. We strive to be a ministry where our kids will learn to be Rooted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior and Grow in Love toward God and Others. To help us accomplish these goals, we use The Gospel Project: a three year, chronological, Christ-centered study of the whole Bible (Genesis through Revelation).
TreeHouse Kids aims to provide an environment that is Safe, Fun, Relational, and Gospel-centered.
TreeHouse Kids is available during our 9:30a and 11aservices.
Nursery is available for kids ages 0 - 4 during our 8:45a service.
Nursery is available for kids ages 0 - 4 during our 8:45a service.
What to expect
before service
during service
after service
If you are a first-time guest, look for the “First Time Guest Check-In” sign above the Kids check in station, and a team member will assist you. You'll receive 3 tags: One with your kid’s name and a unique 4-digit code (to be placed on your child), and 2 parent tags with an identical code (keep these to present during check out). Your kid(s) will then be dropped off with their leaders their classroom.
Kids in elementary ages and grades will experience a time of corporate worship and the telling of a Bible story. They will then break off into smaller groups to do age appropriate activities to help know and understand the Bible lesson and truths about God.
Once service is completed you can pick up your kid(s) from their small group room. When you arrive at the room, the small group leader or helper will hand you the take home page as you leave with your child. Before you exit the Ed Wing, the security team member will check your parent and kid tags to make sure the code is the same.
Ages 0-4
We ensure that the kids in our nursery experience a safe, fun, and welcoming environment. Our 2's & 3's room uses curriculum that helps children understand basic truths about God and who Jesus is.
Our Nursery is available at our 8:45 service for ages 0 - 4 years old.
During our 9:30a & 11a services, nursery is available for kids ages 0 - 2 years old and TreeHouse Kids is available for ages 2 to the 5th grade.
During our 9:30a & 11a services, nursery is available for kids ages 0 - 2 years old and TreeHouse Kids is available for ages 2 to the 5th grade.

Kids ages 4 through 5th grade will experience a time of corporate worship, followed by a live Bible Story. They break into small groups to discuss the lesson in more detail to help them know and understand the teaching.
TreeHouse Kids is available during our 9:30a and 11a services.

WEDS 6:30PM - 8:00PM (SEP - MAY)
Awana is a program we offer during the school year for ages 3 - 5th grade. Kids from Trinity and from the community come together to play games, memorize Bible verses, and learn Bible lessons. But Awana goes WAY beyond an instructional program; it is a relational setting where every child gets individual attention and encouragement from our incredible volunteers to learn about Jesus and what it means to follow Him.

All kids age 3 by Sep 15 (and potty trained) through 5th grade in the Cedar Valley are invited to join! For 6th-12 grade, check out our Student Ministry page for other midweek events. Advanced registration is encourage and kids can join Awana at anytime during the academic year (Sep - May). Registration is $30 per child, but full scholarship are available.
Awana can't be the amazing ministry that it is without our dedicated volunteers. Join our team for the perfect excuse to act like a kid again while fostering the spiritual growth of kids in the Cedar Valley. We have a variety of roles to meet your skill set. Sign up today!

In Kids Choir, students will learn some choral pieces and practice musical skills. During the school year, Kids Choir also has around four opportunities to sing for our congregation during Sunday morning services or for Sunday evening worship nights.
Let us know when you plan to visit and click below to learn more about our age-specific program offerings. We are eager to see you here!