Sun Apr 13 

CANTATA SERVICES | 8:45a & 11a | Sanctuary

WORSHIP SERVICES | 9:30A & 11A | Worship Center

In addition to our modern services at 9:30 & 11, you are invited to our Palm Sunday Choir Cantata, It Is Finished by Mary McDonald, presented by the Trinity Choir.  This moving performance will be performed twice in the Sanctuary at 8:45 & 11a, highlighting Christ’s suffering, death, and triumphant resurrection. Don’t miss this powerful start to the celebration of Holy Week!


Thu Apr 17 | Sanctuary

SERVICE TIMES | 5:30 - 6p | 6 - 6:30p | 6:30 - 7P | 7 - 7:30p | 7:30 - 8P

Experience our Maundy Thursday open house services beginning at 5:30p, with a new service starting every 30 minutes through 8p. All services will include music, scripture reading, a time of reflection, and communion.

This evening is open to all ages as we come together to prepare our hearts for Easter. 


Fri Apr 18 | worship Center

SERVICE TIMES | 5:30p & 7p

Join us for a worship service centered on the cross, featuring a blend of old and new songs with scriptural reflections that lead us to the cross.

Both services are identical and are family-friendly. We will also offer TreeHouse Kids for ages 0 - 4.   Look for the "Kids Check-in" sign when you enter the Cafe.


Sun Apr 20 


8A & 9:30A | Traditional | Sanctuary
9:30A & 11A | Modern | Worship Center
We’re excited to celebrate Easter with you! With four service times offering both traditional and modern worship, there’s a place for you this Easter at Trinity! All services are family-friendly, however, we will offer TreeHouse Kids for ages 0 - 4. Look for the "Kids Check-in" sign when you enter the Cafe.


where Do i go?

Trinity is located at 125 Orchard Drive, Cedar Falls, Iowa. When you arrive, you will find guest parking spots reserved just for you on the North side of our parking lot. We recommend entering through the North doors (Door 1) where you'll be  greeted  by our Connection Team and can any questions you may have.

what do i wear?

No need to dress up! Whatever you are most comfortable wearing is how you should come. Most people dress casually.

What if i have questions?

Before or after the service, stop by our Welcome Center - just look for the giant "Welcome Home" sign in our lobby -  and you'll meet a friendly face who can answer your questions. We can't wait to meet you! Additional before your visit? Send us your questions now!


At Trinity, you’ll find people just like you—people looking to connect, curious about who Jesus is, and searching for something greater. Whether you are skeptical about the whole Jesus thing, or you have been a Christ-follower for years, you are welcome during the Easter season or ANY time of the year!

We exist as a church to glorify God and share the Gospel by making disciples who make disciples. Our mission is rooted in Jesus' command to "go and make disciples of all people" (Matthew 28:19), and we desire to walk with Jesus, be changed by Him, and live on mission with Him.


Knowing our church's beliefs is key to understanding why we do what we do. Our beliefs shape how we think, act, and respond in all situations.


Got 60 seconds? These bite-sized sermons offer a quick glimpse of what you can expect from our Sunday messages. 

Full Sermons

Have a little more time? Explore our previous sermon series to dive deeper into God's Word.


We love kids! We offer TreeHouse Kids Ministry for newborns to 5th grade, where kids experience Jesus through singing, crafts, and learning. Middle and High School Ministries also take place throughout the week.