
relentlessly reachING OUR "ones", Together.

Pastor Peter and Family


In 2019, we began to embrace a vision that if we want to see a movement in our community of disciples who make disciples, it has to be personal. If we want to reach our community, it has to start with each of us having a "one"—someone in our community whom we can name that we are sharing life with and helping to discover Jesus. We follow a Savior who knows our name, and who leaves the 99 to go after the one who is lost. It is HIS example that has led to so many of us having a “one” in our lives.

God has worked powerfully through us as we have embraced His heart for our “ones” and we are seeing the first fruits of a plentiful harvest. I am amazed as I see God visibly working in the lives of my “ones”! It is so exciting when you introduce me to your “ones” on Sunday morning or in a coffee shop. Best of all is celebrating with those whose “ones” have trusted in Jesus and have been baptized.
With all that God’s doing, we’re now prompted to take another bold step to spur on what was started 4 years ago. There is so much potential for us to be a movement that God uses to change the trajectory of people’s daily lives and future eternities right here in the Cedar Valley.  To unleash this potential, we are launching a two-year campaign called EveryOne, EveryDay.
In this season, we want to call and equip everyone in our church to be everyday fishers of men who relentlessly reach the ones that they love and are sharing life with. During this campaign, we will learn how to F.I.S.H.:  Build a Friendship of Trust, Initiatate Spiritual Conversations, Share the Gospel, and Help them Follow Jesus.

As we build on the vision of reaching our “ones”, we also need to finish phase 2 of the building project that was started 4 years ago. We were blown away by your generosity in the previous One Mission Campaign, and we are SO grateful for the space we now have to do ministry effectively. We are no longer hindered by our seating capacity, but we now need to add more parking, pay off our remaining mortgage, and finish areas of our building that weren’t addressed during the last project.
I love what God is doing among us, and we want to come before the Lord in this season and commit ourselves anew to being a movement of disciples who make disciples.  This will take all of us coming together and asking God to show us what we are to give of ourselves and give of our resources. You can start right now by asking God to show you how He is calling you to be part of this movement of EveryOne, EveryDay


This book is your guide to everything you need to know about the EveryOne, EveryDay Campaign. Check it out for details about our campaign initiatives, pricing breakdowns, and devotionals to encourage you as you pray for the person with whom you're sharing Christ.

Partner with us

Are you ready to step into what God has next? We are still accepting partners on this journey. Whether you are committing to pray, donate, or both, use the button below to find out more and make a one-time or 2-year pledge. 


Check out these VIDEO testimonies of God at work!


WE'RE HAPPY TO HELP. Send us your questions now.